TCRI 2017 workshop (New Delhi)
Meeting documents
Establishment of environmental level dose rate calibration system_v5 - (Tseng-Te Huang)
HDR 192Ir Reference Air Kerma Rate (RAKR) Calibration System- (Chien-Hau Chu)
Standardization of Sm-153-Gatot Wurdiyanto
TCRI 2017 Sat Workshop chamber scanning - Duncan Butler
TCRI 2017 Sat Workshop RQR beams - Duncan Butler v3
The calculation of the energy spectrum transferred to the scintillator by the absorption of the photons-LIU Haoran
The dose calibrators proficiency testing program in nuclear medicine in thailand 2017-Vithit Pungkun
The research of (0.5-300)keV monoenergetic x-rays source-Wu Jinjie