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Latest Progress of MEDEA 3.0


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2023 was a very busy year in the MEDEA 3.0 project with the project supporting many events in trainings in cooperation with DEC-APMP and APLMF.

With the Task Forces “Future Proofing” and “Leadership and Management” a webinar “Leading your NMI to 2023” was held. Furthermore, the project supported a face-to-face workshop titled “Digital Transformation in Metrology” in August in Thailand and supported the participation of DEN representatives at the Workshop “Measurement for Sustainable Energy “in conjunction with the ASEAN Sustainability Week, together with the Efficiency Focus Group.

The project successfully completed a training on “How to write a policy brief” with three policy briefs and started in a second round, developing new policy briefs with the expert Laurie Winkless. These will be published on the joint web portal, which the working group has been busy updating.

During the APMP Midyear meeting a leadership and management workshop took place for the DEC-champions and during the APMP GA, the KMS Task Force could proudly present the developed KMS guideline and the developed knowledge management system within Stackfield. The project also supported the CMC Task Force with pre-peer reviewers and successfully implemented a face to face training and a pilot comparison with regard to “Calibration Capability for Infusion/Syringe Pump Analyzers” together with Dr. Theerarak Chinarak of NIMT.


Infusion Pump Training in NIMT Thailand

Additionally, three trainings (Inorganic, ph, conducitivity) with regard to “Metrology in Chemistry could be conducted at NIMT Thailand to support the Clean Water Focus Group. During the APLMF Forum Meeting in November the project showcased four E-learning courses (Pre-packaged goods, Rice Moisture, Truck Scales and Infusion Pumps), which have been developed together with the expert Heike Koch and the E-learning working groups.


APLMF Forum Meeting in Bohol, Philippines

In 2024 the project aims to have a second round of E-learning courses, to support the Task Forces of APMP and the working groups of APLMF and to design three regional guidelines. We would like to thank everyone involved for their engagement and support in making this project so successful!

Contributor: Anna Kalkuhl, MEDEA Project Coordinator, PTB 

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