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Highlights from APMP Developing Economies' Committee in 2021


Highlights from APMP Developing Economies' Committee in 2021

Progress on work programs of the DEC over 2021 was inevitably affected by the continuing impact of the pandemic on all of APMP members. Nonetheless achievements over the year included:

  • joint organisation of planning workshops under MEDEA focusing on the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Health; Water; and Economic Growth/Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; 

  • a series of webinars on “SI units: Practical realization and how to assure measurement traceability”, covering the kelvin, kilogram and metre, organised by Dr. Jariya Buajarern, the DEC Future Proofing Task Force Lead and supported by APMP’s technical experts/TC Chairs; 

  • the first Workshop of the DEC CMC Task Force in December, aimed at member institutes without CMCs and strongly supported by APMP’s Lead TC Chair and APMP experts; and

  • the soft launch of the MEDEA APMP-APLMF Web Portal – the website aimed at external stakeholders using case studies and success stories to highlight the importance of metrology.

A key outcome from the annual DEC meetings in November 2021 was the election of the next DEC Chair. Mr. S D I Dias, Deputy Director of the Measurement Units, Standards and Services Department (MUSSD), Sri Lanka, was elected and will take up his term as DEC Chair during the 2022 APMP meetings.

In addition, Ms. Thanakporn Nontachart from NIMT, Thailand, has taken on the leadership of the CMC Task Force; and Dr. Achaya Teppitaksak from NIMT and Mr. Zainal bin Hj Mustapa from NMIM, Malaysia have taken over from Dr. Angela Samuel as APMP and APLMF Co-Convenors of the MEDEA Web Portal Working Group.

Over 2022, the DEC will continue to deliver on the work programs of the Task Forces, working with the EC, Lead TC Chair, TC and FG Chairs, as well as contribute to implementation of MEDEA activities. The DEC Chair (Angela), with the DEC Coordination Committee (Mrs. Gao Wei, NIM, China, Mrs. Ajchara Charoensook, NIMT, Thailand, and Dr. Ghufron Zaid, SNSU-BSN, Indonesia) and the APMP Treasurer (Dr. Teo Tang Lin) will also be engaging with APMP members through consultations to seek views on the proposed revisions to APMP’s membership fees and classification structure.

DEC highlights.jpg

A subset of participants in the 2021 DEC meetings

Contributor: Dr Angela Samuel, DEC Chair

NMIA, Australia

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