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Home PROGRAMMES Technical Committee Initiatives Comparison of stopwatch calibration method

Comparison of stopwatch calibration method

Project overseer
Ahmad Sahar Omar; Mohd. Nasir Zainal Abidin
Project timeline
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Project description

This project was motivated by positive responses received to a survey prepared by the TCTF Working Group on Test and Calibration. It resulted in a comparison of stopwatch comparison methods among APMP TCTF member NMIs.

Ten (10) NMIs indicated an interest to participate in the comparison. From the survey, we found that a wide range of very different methods of stopwatch calibration are in use in our region. The National Measurement Institute, Australia (NMIA) agreed to support the comparison with technical expertise. 

The main goal is of the comparison was to compare the different measurement methods in use in the region and to evaluate the competency of the regions institutes in stopwatch calibration. The benefits  of this exercise is expected to not only impact APMP TCTF member NMIs but also industrial laboratories and verification/testing facilities in the region as the knowledge gained from the comparison is distributed. There is also the possibility of developing a regional guideline for stopwatch calibration.


This comparison has given valuable supporting evidence to participants for their accreditation for stopwatch calibration. Furthermore, the participants shared their calibration information including the method, setup and equipment used (documented in a final report) which other NMIs might have interest in. The participants were from National Metrology Centre (Singapore), National Measurement Institute (Australia), Standards and Calibration Laboratory (Hong Kong, China), National Metrology Laboratory (Philippines), Puslit Metrologi Lipi (Indonesia), Emirates Metrology Institute, (United Arab Emirates), National Institute for Standards (Egypt), National Physical Laboratory (India), Measurement Units, Standards & Services Department (Sri Lanka) and National Metrology Institute (Malaysia). The final report may download

APMP.TCTF_Stopwatch_Comparison_2018_Final.pdf . 

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